Lucent Hair and Makeup by Alice Maria

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4 Steps To Get The Most Out Of Your Wedding Hair & Makeup Preview

Uncover the secrets to maximising your bridal preview session

Planning your wedding hair and makeup is an exciting part of your bridal journey, and the bridal preview is a crucial step in ensuring you look and feel your best on the big day. But how do you make the most of your preview session and ensure a flawless result?

I’ve put together a list of 4 simple steps to help you optimise your bridal hair and makeup preview experience:

1. Research Inspiration:

Start by gathering inspiration pictures and creating a folder or mood board of the styles you love. Look for hairstyles and makeup looks that complement your wedding theme and personal style, taking into consideration your own hair type, texture and colour as well as your individual features and complexion. Don’t forget to explore your chosen artist’s Instagram and portfolio for inspiration tailored to their expertise! This research will help you communicate your vision effectively during your bridal preview.

2. Prep for Success:

Follow any instructions provided by your hair and makeup artist leading up to your trial. If they’ve sent you a guide or prep notes, be sure to read them carefully and follow the recommended steps to prepare for your preview. Completing any pre-trial questionnaires will also help your artist understand your preferences and desired look, and any particular likes or dislikes you may have. By preparing in advance, you’ll set the stage for a productive and enjoyable preview session.

3. Embrace Honesty:

During your bridal preview, take the opportunity to communicate openly with your hair and makeup artist. Discuss any concerns or questions you have, and be honest about your likes and dislikes. This is your opportunity to voice any changes or adjustments you’d like to make to ensure you’re completely satisfied with your wedding day look. Your artist is there to listen and collaborate with you, so don’t hesitate to share your thoughts and preferences. Ideally, you want to leave your preview feeling comfortable and confident with your final look!

4. Provide Feedback:

After your preview session, reflect on the experience and provide feedback to your hair and makeup artist. Let them know how well the styles held up throughout the day and if there are any tweaks or adjustments you’d like to make for the wedding day. Whether it’s a touch more blush or a subtle change to your hairstyle, your feedback is invaluable in refining your final look. Make sure to communicate any desired changes promptly so your artist can discuss any necessary adjustments before the big day.

Remember, the bridal preview is an essential step in perfecting your wedding day hair and makeup. By doing your research, following prep instructions, being honesty, and providing constructive feedback, you’ll ensure a smooth and successful preview experience and walk into your wedding morning with full confidence.

Trust in your hair and makeup artist’s expertise and take their advice and guidance on board. With clear communication and discussion, you'll create a bridal look together that exceeds your expectations and leaves you feeling confident and beautiful on your special day!